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Low Cost Paradise
from 24th November to 17th December
L'Azimut at Antony (92 - FR)
Ground Game - Saturday 2nd December
Carte Blanche - Saturday 16th December
Rouge Nord - The End
à La Grainerie
Le 12 octobre 2024
Cirque Pardi! is a collective of artiste, construcors, logisitcs and administrative workers… all of them united around a mobile project of contemporary circus.
The heart of the circus is sincere and experimental artistic line made of reserch that is gaining height. The result is shos with a marked and singular univers such as BorderLand, Rouge Nord and Low Cost Paradise.
All of them are very eager to meet new people, now thing in life. We always prefer a long stay at the same place so the big top will become one with the surroundings. Our big top also welvomes other artists (graphic design, performing arts, screen printing..) and of course our bar is open for evrybody.
The convoi is hitting the road around Europe but never forgets its hometown, Toulouse
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