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Here, the Pardi collection! Sharing 2016.
You will find there mediation proposals and territorial projects. The list is not exhaustive as we continue to invent at each stopover. It is understood that these projects can be adapted and that the best is to contact us.

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Become an actor of your internship in a collective creation experience.
The circus, a tool for expression…
What is being on stage?

The experience of the scene provokes timidity and judgment, appropriating this space requires time and confidence. A soft and playful approach allows you to desacralize the stage, to express yourself, to reveal yourself and cause you to let go.

Set work
We favor the work of choir and listening (of oneself and others), as well as the search for individual and collective expression. The group creates together component with the singularity of each. We learn together new rules, those of the plateau.

Discussion time
Daily speaking times accompany the time of the stage in order to grasp the implicit contract which exist between the artists and between the public and the artists.

Different tools at our disposal
From body work to writing and understanding our environment, the tools used go beyond traditional circus equipment for contemporary writing.

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Learning circus techniques is a search for your own limits, learning to trust yourself and surpass yourself.
The workshops are aimed at everyone, from initiation to professionals.

Participants will be able to discover several circus disciplines in a fun and secure way, by gaining confidence, physical preparation, relaxation, awareness of one's body in space, flexibility and the search for balance. .

The workshops are led by two speakers and can accommodate 15 people by offering two different disciplines. With an adaptable duration depending on the age, level and number of participants, we plan to offer two disciplines per workshop. The minimum time for a workshop is two hours. Above all a moment of sharing, the speakers are attentive to each person's rhythms.

Four steps for a workshop:
- A collective warm-up with games.
- A physical training ; bodybuilding and flexibility.
- Learning the circus technique.
- Common final time, stretching and relaxation.



Imagine a circus track, a game full of twists and turns, characters who surprise you around the campsite… A fun and educational course suitable for children from 5 years old to 16 years old.

The musician who plays music for his fish, the artist who no longer descends from his rope, the tightrope walker who plays the grinder, the extraordinary mother who makes pancakes while singing in her caravan, the stage manager who joins the mast from the marquee as a tightrope walker on his thread, and many other characters… The children set off to explore this intriguing place that is the marquee, pass behind the curtains of the show, in the caravans, in the workshop and question these curious characters . They bounce from question to question until the grand finale.



The marquee opens its canvases to host events, exhibitions, screen printing demonstrations ... We open the ball with the neighbors of the moment ...

Programmer is not our job. However, we wish to punctually welcome passing neighbors and take advantage of the marquee as a performance hall. A network with close artistic sensitivity is created, the opportunity to exchange with the artists and to show the public various proposals.



We often come out of a show with questions in mind. We often look at the camps from afar with great curiosity. We then suggest that you meet to talk about it.

Edges of the stage, discussions with the artists on the technical and / or artistic aspects, meeting with the scenographer… In a traveling circus, there is no shortage of subjects for discussion. We receive schools, art and architecture students, high school students ... to come and chat under the tent or in the middle of the camp. These discussions are often accompanied by visits.




Un temps de réfléxion et d'échange convivial.


Faire du cirque, ce n'est pas qu'une pratique phyisique...

C'est aussi se questionner et détourner des aspects de la vie, des clichés, des genres, prendre des risques autant corporelles que psychiques etc...

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Un shooting photo à la mode Pardisienne !


Parce que l'équipe aime depuis toujours le souvenir nostalgique et le rendu des polaroids....

On vous invite à venir vous maquiller, vous costumer, vous mettre en scène, revêtir un rôle le temps d'un cliché ou d'une demie-journée.

En famille, en groupes, en classe.


"Souriez ! Vous êtes photographiez..."




Découvrir les Arts du Cirque,son histoire ou encore Cirque Pardi!  autrement que par la scène.


Découvrez l'univers des Arts du Cirque en jouant ou en lisant.

En autonomie ou lors d'une rencontre.

Pour petits et grands, novices ou initiés.


L'équipe de Pardi, collectionneuse dans l'âme, partage avec vous ses trouvailles  :

- puzzles

- mémories

- courts-métrages

- récits de tournées et de compagnies

- livres illustrés

- web-documentaire

- revues circassiennes etc...




Objet invitant naturellement au voyage, la valise est un contenant à rêves que ses propriétaires aménagent à leur grès...

Un peu comme notre chapiteau et nos caravanes !


Un atelier d'art plastique, où l'imaginaire est de rigueur et où tous les rêves sont permis. Construction d'un "valise à rêve" à base de matériaux de récupération, aménagement et décoration, rédaction d'une note d'intention, installation d'une exposition, organisation d'un vernissage et d'une feuille de salle.

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Devenez acteur de votre propre stage.

"Être sur scène, ç'est quoi ?"


Nous proposons une approche douce et ludique, qui permet de désacraliser le plateau, de s'exprimeer soi-même, de se dévoiler et parfois de proquer un lâcher-prise.

Expérimenter la création artistique, qu'elle soit menée ou collective. S'approprier l'espace scénique et son propre espace intérieur.


2564 route de Labastide

31 450 BAZIEGE


Présidence du SCC
Adhérent à la charte droit de cité.


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N° Siret : 534 440 946 00026

N° Licences : 21-000384 / 21-000385 / 21-000386

Code APE : 9001Z

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