La Grainerie / PACT / Le Lido / L'Arrosoir à Piston / DIAM and Mairie de Montberon / Ax-Animation / Construction site hosted on loan from the hall at L'Usine, an approved place dedicated to street arts / Midi Pyrénées region / Circ Que O! - Circus Pyrenees / Reijouna - Cesseras / Envie d'Agir / European Union / Le Moulin - Roques sur Garonne / Le Tortill'art - Saint Amans Soult / La Cloche / Espace Catastrophe, Le Fourquet, Gemeenschapcentrum De Kroon (Brussels) / Happy culture / Cirk'Eole / Firmin Gémier-La Piscine Theater - Antony and Châtenay-Malabry PNC / City of Gratentour / CIRCa - Auch-Gers-Occitanie PNC / La Verrerie d'Alès - PNC Occitanie / Grand CIEL network - Cirque en Lien / The PALC - Grand Est - PNC of Châlons en Champagne / Departmental Council of Haute Garonne / DGCA / DRAC Occitanie / Lattitude 50 / Kulturkosmos / Regional Pole circus Le Mansde come and play at your place, at his place…

Each honorary member bought a clamp for the marquee before it was built. We have set up this sponsorship so that people can contribute to the project.
Didier Angles / Marie Claire and Jean Jacques Bocquet / Thomas Bodinier & Hélène Tourmente / Tom Bruyas / Cie La main affaire / Laure Serie / Stéphane Dutournier / Wim Claessen / Pappie Hugue Conquet / Christian Coumin / Sylvain Cousin & Aurélie Vinq / Romain Delavoipiere / Laetitia Dima / Yann Ecauvre / Paul Fischer / Jonathan Gagneux / Jordi Gaspar / Cécile Govaart / Andries Govaart / Jean Pierre & Framboise Gravelle / Fabien Gruau / Famille Guitard / Hugues Hollenstein / Alexandra Karsenty / Patrick and Florence Kirchner / Titoune Krali / Grit Krausse / Thomas Lafitte / Julien and Anaïs Le Cuziat and Raphel / Patrice Lecussan - Ouich / Michel and Sylvie Le Gouallec Bauquin / David Manot / Lorenzo Mastropiezo / Mairie de Montberon / Wendy Moonen / Elisabeth Narjoux / Michel Narjoux / Jérémy Olivier / Jacques Palusci / Christophe Paturie / Claire and Quentin Perret / Annie & Georges Perroud / Alrik Reynaud / Martine and Michel Sere De Lanauze / Catherine Serre / Olivier Serre / Anni e Tallio and Didier Soulard / Alain Tortel / Lucette Tortel / Elisabeth Tortel Perrin / Ger Van Beuningen / Jozet, Bas en Ellis Van Der Es / Toon Van Gelder / Flore Vittel / Amanda