Ay ay ay, nostalgia is already here
July 4: Festival Per Amor a l’Hart L’Hospitalet de Llobregat - Spain
July 6 and 7: Festival al carrer
Villadecans – Spain
July 11: Artot saison culturelle
Sant Hipolit de Voltrega – Spain
July 14: La Foire Extraordinaire
Crock nature - Route de la Salle - 81340 Padiès
Rouge Nord The End
This is the end of our great filming before moving on to new things, and Rouge Nord invites you to celebrate the finale of this road movie, a beautiful gathering with our friends of creativity, life, adventure... at La Grainerie, where it all began.
On the agenda: the show and surprises, all sprinkled with performances by the Side–MyLaïka team and concerts!
October 12, 2024 – La Grainerie